Friday, May 27, 2016

Lanshan: A Mountain View of Lanzhou, China, July 16, 2014

Text and images (c) Robert Barry Francos / FFotos by Francos, 2014
Photos can be enlarged by clicking on them

In the near-desert region of Gansu, China, there is a mountain besides the city, with a temple and gardens at the top called Lanshan. The drive up is long and curvy, with homes and businesses along the way. We stopped most of the way up and had some interesting fruit tea that is native to the area. While there, we heard the sound of music, Outside the shop, there was a man practicing classic Chinese music on a wooden flute. We then proceeded to the top. The smog blurred the view a bit, and the neighborhood near the entrance way, as well as some on the road up to the top, was obviously in poor shape, though mixed with some newer, wealthy houses.

Our destination is on the left, at the top.

The gondolas were not working when we were there.

The teahouse where we stopped.

The interesting fruit tea from side and top

The practicing musician.

Smoggy view from where we parked the car.

I found it strange that the "Civilization Garden" had war flying machinery.

Interesting "Keep off the grass/flowers" sign

I found this dragon-shaped displayed piece of rock fascinating,
wondering if it was natural or carved.

View of Lanzhou from the top

Nuclear reactors in a residential area!

Vendor relaxing on a hot day, between customers.

Bridges over the Yellow River.

Many, many apartment buildings

Elaborate cement walkway

Gate at entrance way, on our way out.

Ceremonial flower petals blowing over the exit way.

It was quite obvious this camel was not happy; was being used for rides for a fee (we did not).

Walking back to the car; coal fumes have stained the wall and window.

Graffiti that's more Disney than Manga.

Graffiti on old way reflected in hood of expensive car.

Rubble, rubble, you tore your wall...

Was not sure if this was natural wood, or made to look like wood.

Heading down, about half way.

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