Thursday, May 12, 2016

Xi'an, China: July 6, 2014

Tex and Photos (c) Robert Barry Francos / 2014

Xi'an is China's first dynastic capitol, and the city is fiercely proud of it. You will see 2000 year old structures next to class and metal modern buildings. We did a fair amount of walking, as well as being driven hither and yon. Some of the photos are taken without barriers, some through the window of some means of transport, be it car, taxi, or bus.

These are general pictures of the streets. More focused pictures will follow. Descriptors will be in normal text, specific pieces will be photo captions.

One of my first shots, and one of my faves. This is just off the Shaatxi Normal University Campus, where some street vendors set up shop.

Across the street from the laundry, this apartment has some lovely potted plants on the steps.

People sitting in front of the underground walkway to cross the street at a busy intersection. The Bell Tower is just behind them to the left.

Walkway to a market that runs along the City Wall. The Drum Tower is straight ahead.

The Drum Tower

Erased graffiti on the historic City Wall.

Market entrance.

When you rub the spines of these frogs with the stick, it makes a croaking sound.

Notice the playing cards on the right: Obama, Osama, Kadafi, Saddam, and many other world leaders and basketball players.

Cool and colorful backpacks.

Chopsticks and silks for tourists.

Chess Set based on the Terra Cotta Warriors

I'm still trying to figure out if this shirt is meant as a compliment or insult.

Taking out the trash.

Lots of watermelons everywhere. This picture is directly across the street from the picture above it.

The construction of new building towers were going up everywhere, and more peasants are moving to the cities to find work.

The International Building, but we called it the Tetris Building.


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